Kingpins cancels its Amsterdam edition due to restrictions over coronavirus
The fair dedicated to denim was going to be held in The Netherlands between 22 and 23 of April. In February, the trade show organizer cancelled its edition in Hong Kong, scheduled for May.
Coronavirus keeps shaking the trade show calendar. The Kingpins Amsterdam denim supply chain trade show has been the last to cancel its upcoming edition due to the health concerns and travel restrictions linked to the coronavirus, Covid-19.
“We have been monitoring this situation very closely and had been hoping to have the show go on, but in light of the travel restrictions our attendees and exhibitors are experiencing and the overarching concern for the health and safety of our community, we have no choice but to cancel Kingpins Amsterdam,” said Andrew Olah, founder of Kingpins Show, in a statement.
Kingpins already cancelled its edition in Hong Kong, scheduled for May
Kingpins Amsterdam is the second show Kingpins organizers have cancelled due to health and travel concerns related to COVID-19. In February, organizers announced the cancelation of the Kingpins Hong Kong show, originally slated for May 13th and 14th.
“We are following the Center for Disease Control’s recommendations for limiting the spread of COVID-19. The CDC is recommending people avoid all nonessential travel, including to several countries that have reported high levels of infection,” Olah said. “This includes countries where many of our friends, exhibitors and attendees are based. We encourage everyone to practice common sense and get their information from trusted sources.”
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