Trade war knocks-on fashion: exports from China to the US drop by 22%
Vietnam recorded a 9.6% increase in its fashion exports to North America while Bangladesh’s sales to the US market plummeted by 1.8% in the last year.
China loses shares rate as the largest fashion supplier for the United States. Chinese textile exports to the North America registered a 22% drop in 2019 amid trade war, according to data from the Department of Commerce’s Office of Textiles and Apparel (Otexa).
Vietnam, on the other hand, registered a 9.6% increase in its fashion exports to the North American country, while Bangladesh’s sales to the US market fell 1.8% in the last year.
In 2019, imports of clothing and textile products to the United States registered an increase of 1.94%. In December, fashion imports to the North America rose 5.6%.
The trade tension between China and the United States have been several months of tug of war. In January, both powers signed the first phase of the trade agreement. The new agreement addresses issues such as technology transfers, financial services and intellectual property protection.
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