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The global fashion business journal

Mar 9, 20254:30pm

The UN quantifies the impact of the coronavirus on the fashion industry: 1.5 billion dollars

The United Nations Organization (UN) also estimates that the impact of the crisis on total exports reaches 50 billion dollars.

Mar 5, 2020 — 4:10pm

The UN quantifies the impact of the coronavirus on the fashion industry: 1.5 billion dollars



The UN quantifies the impact of coronavirus on fashion. The estimates of the United Nations Organization (UN) warn that the crisis will have an impact of 1.5 million dollars for textiles and clothing. In the global calculation of the industry, the organization foresees an impact on exports of 50 billion dollars.


“It is clear that the global effects will be significant, and even if Covid-19 is retained within China, it will continue to have an impact due to the weight of the Asian country in the global value chains of world production,” Pamela Coke explained Wednesday. -Hamilton, director of international trade, at the UN conference on Trade and Development.


According to the organization, the region most affected by the coronavirus crisis will be Europe, where the impact is estimated at 15.6 billion. In the United States and Japan, the epidemic will have an impact of 5.8 billion and 5.2 billion, respectively.





The European textile industry is one of the most affected, according to the UN, with losses of 538 million dollars. It is followed by the textile industries of Vietnam, Turkey and Hong Kong, which have already lost $207 million, $164 million and $107 million, respectively.


The UN has also stressed that the crisis will be more noticeable in Italy, France and Spain, where the sector “is still very integrated with Chinese suppliers,” according to Alessandro Nicita, the organization’s international economist. The economist added that if the spread of the virus outbreak cannot be contained, it could be “a disaster for the world economy” and could trigger a global recession, according to WWD.



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samir sardana
25 Jul 2020 — 07:47
Y is the USA.EU and UK not bothered,about the COVID deaths in their part of the world ?

Could it be that they want it ? Who are the dead ? The dead are the pensioners, and the persons,who are fatally sick.dindooohindoo

The gainer in every combo,is the West – which makes one wonder,how the COVID magically mutated in its new avatar.

Posit No.1

Assuming that these dead persons in the West,had a residual life of 15 years, and we can assume that,by August,2020,there will be around 600000 dead in the West.

The pension to a pensioner,would not be less than 12,000 USD per annum, on an average,at the minimum.In addition, the medical and other social costs,on an aged pensioner,would be not less than another 8,000 USD per annum.

If they die,then on 6,00,000 people,if the West saves 20,000 USD per annum, you net USD 12 Billion,PER ANNUM – which will be around 200-300 billion for 15 years

One could argue that the US Fed just printed,the USD 12 Billion – but now it need not.The Youth in the west,had to work at high rates of tax and deductions – to finance the aged pension and health care benefits – which ultimately,led to outsourcing.

The scam would be shocking,if the dead,had no insurance ! That would be telling ! If 6,00,000 are dead,with insurance and an average insurance claim,of USD 1,00,000 – then you have a bomb – to wipe out the insurers.

If 10 million die – we are looking at net savings of USD 200 billion per annum and USD 3 Trillion over 15 years.This will also solve the health insurance problems in the US/EU,as the high claim insurers,will cease to exist – and thus lower the insurance costs,for the young,and the cost of labour in manufacturing.

If the aggregate savings on pensions and medical costs are USD 100,000 per annum,then on 10 million dead,we have a saving of ISD 1 trillion per annum,as a perpetual annuity (which is the minimum target – I suspect) – as the strategem ,is to kill people,with co-morbidities – and these are the people,who are a burden on the medical and pension infrastructure.

So the private LIFE insurers,take a 1 time HIT,in terms of claims paid out – and the state,gets a recurring benefit,in terms of pensions and health care costs – of which,some of the gains of the state,are passed back to the insurers,to offset the claim losses (and keep insurance rates low),and some of the gains to the state, are passed back to the residual young population,to reduce the rates of medical and life insurance.

Posit No.2

Large number of services and industries,in the west,will die out.That will release labour and reprice resources and rents – to drastically lower costs – and that will make,”Make in USA”, viable

How will the state finance the loss of tax revenue and GDP.Ultimately,the state will have to demonetise the deposits, in banks, of the westerners.Simple ! The USA will not be able to demonetise the PRC holdings of US T-bills – not even if the PRC sinks a US aircraft carrier in the South China Sea.

Posit No.3

All the nations who borrowed loans from PRC – will now force the PRC to do debt write offs.That will be a huge loss to the PRC,after the manufacturing shift from PRC to West.Post COVID,If 200 million people are unemployed in PRC – then you have Tiananmen – Part 2 – and then a PRC attack,on the Indian weasels, and US satellite states,like Taiwan.and new stooges like Vietnam.

Of Course,the PRC could also force the IMF,and the WB,to waive loans – but the harm to the PRC,will be done 1st.

Posit No.4

Trump postpones the US Polls,as people cannot stand in queues,and no electioneering,is possible – and he has the cure – and by September,the pensioners are dead – death rate and infections rates drops ….. who is the gainer ? If Trump is winning – Putin will stay calm – else,he might attack Eastern EU.If Trump is winning – then it will be the last chance for PRC to annex Taiwan and Vietnam – and make Trump lose face. But the odds of PRC action is medium.

Posit No.5

With massive unemployment in the West – the migrants will exit.Asians were made to clean toilets – that is their worth.They will exit.That will solve the migrants problem,rents and property rates will fall,labour will reprice,and the Westerners,will have to,start to work

The West has to take a BIG PICTURE view.South East Asia and Indian and Nepal ,are over populated,and there is no humanity there.There is no sentience,in the “so called humans”.They are robots – and 80% of them,have to die.Their time is over – they are obsolete, a dead weight,and a burden on earth.This will de-price the resources sector,lower demand,and solve the environment problem,forever.

Africans have been exploited,for at least ,2000 years – and they deserve,many more chances.

There are 3 simple steps

Are the “so-called humans” – having a “sentience” – to be assessed based on their “individual and collective actions”
If not,then they are “robots”
It is time to “terminate the robots”

It is the moral and ethical solution.They are redundant and obsolete,and there is no purpose served,by their existence.Nations in Asia,will not be able to feed or employ these worms,and that will cause strife.hate,violence, genocide,jingoism and the rise of right wing=demagogic demonic dictators – and then, catacylysmic wars – which will ultimately,harm the West. Anywhich way,the robots will be purged – Virus is better than nukes – for the bots,and the environment.

The COVID antibodies,will ultimately reside in 7 billion people,and those,are the receptors,of the next,”terminal bio-weapon” which will hook on those humans, and then based on a mix of the DNA,Genes,latitudes and morbidities – terminate the robots.

It is all evolution.
