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The global fashion business journal

Feb 5, 202511:54am

Ten years and 69 billion dollars to abandon 50% of forest fiber in textile

From the 413 million tons of cellulose fiber that is produced annually, 184 million tons come from virgin wood fiber. 

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Textile bids farewell to cellulose. Ten years and 69 billion dollars of investment would be enough to eliminate the 50% do cellulose fibers stemming from forests, according to the report A Plan for Saving Forest and Climate, elaborated by Canopy Planet.


The organization that promotes sustainable solutions to eliminate the use of fiber stemming from forests in all industries, points that from the 413 million tons of cellulose fiber that are produced annually, 184 million tons come from virgin woods fiber.

With the objective of reaching this goal, the organization estimates that an investment of 69 billion dollars is necessary within a period of ten years. The investment will go to the planting of trees (7.65 million hectares), construction of pulp mills, the recycling of paper, and recycling of textile and food waste cellulose.





4.2 billion dollars will be allocated to the reforestation of 7.5 million hectares, 40 billion dollars to encourage agricultural activities in fiber production, 21.4 billion for the construction of factories to recycle cellulose and another 3.4 billion dollars. for the commissioning of cotton recycling plants.

If the objectives established by Canopy Planet plan are met by improving the design and commitment to recycling, the use of fibers from forests will be reduced by 16.65 million tons,


Additionally, according to the organization, under the new premise thirty million tons of agricultural fibers, 16 million tons of recycled cellulose and 2.6 million tons of viscose will be produced.


The United States will have to invest 8.4 million dollars

The project also establishes how much should be the investment of the main fiber producing countries from forests. The United States, for example, will have to invest around 8.4 billion dollars in the project, while China will have to invest 8 billion dollars.


India, for its part, is one f the countries that will have to invest more capital. The Asian country will have to make an investment of about 12 billion dollars in the launching of Canopy’s plan. Meanwhile, Brazil will similarly have to invest about 8 billion dollars. 

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