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The global fashion business journal

Mar 14, 20259:00am

British fashion sales dodge Brexit: grows 1.7% in July

The sector remains distant for now from the political crisis that the country is going through and reaches two months of rises, after an increase of 3.2% in June, according to the last available data of the British National Statistics Office.

Sep 3, 2019 — 4:13pm

British fashion sales dodge Brexit: grows 1.7% in July



Fashion in the United Kingdom stays away from political uncertainty in the country. Fashion sales in the county closed July with a rise of 1.7%, compared to the same month last year and with the season effects adjusted. The sector achieves two consecutive months in the rise.


Interannually, textile commerce of apparel, footwear and leather in the United Kingdom rised its sales 3.2% last June, after dropping 0.2% in May, according to the data provided by the British National Statistics Office.   


By volume, the income of the retail trade in the sector rose 1.7% compared to July 2018. The evolution also showed a slightly moderate speed in the rhythm compared to June 2018, were the increase was also 3.2%.


 Overall, British, sales increased in value and volume, with rises of 3.9% and 3.3% compared to one year earlier. On a month on month basis, the rise was more moderate, with an increase of 0.2% in both scenarios.    


Online sales of apparel and footwear represented in July the British market 19.3% of the total. This month, ecommerce kept the speed for the country and represents 18.6% of the retail trade.

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