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The global fashion business journal

Feb 5, 202510:38am

Agreement to raise cooperation between textile clusters in Europe

The collaboration has been signed between EU-Textile2030, the European cluster of advanced textile materials and Tex4im, the consortium that reviews the smart specialization strategy in Europe of the sector.

Nov 29, 2019 — 5:27pm

Agreement to raise cooperation between textile clusters in Europe



European textile gets stronger. EU-Textile2030, the European cluster of advanced textile materials, and Tex4im, the consortium that reviews the sector’s smart specialization strategy in Europe, have signed an agreement with the aim of strengthening cooperation between textile clusters in Europe.


With this alliance the goal is to strengthen the capacity for innovation, business models, knowledge and the level of skills that will determine the future of the textile and clothing sector in Europe.


In addition, the association also aims to consolidate competencies and alliances in strategic areas, as well as to prioritize the innovation and research agenda carried out by the ETP, the European textile technology platform.


At the same time, the members of the EU-Textile2030 project have met in Lyon to present a new European organization of advanced textile materials. Ateval, CS-Pointex and Sachen! Textiles are members of the board of directors of the group.


The purpose of this program is to consolidate a European cluster specialized in technical textiles, define a joint internationalization strategy and strengthen the competitiveness of medium and small-sized companies.

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