Victoria Beckham appoints new CEO after Paolo Riva exit
The company has named Marie LeBlanc new CEO. The executive joined the company last year as product director, a newly created position.
Victoria Bekcham finds a new captain. Less than three months after the announcement of Paolo Riva’s departure, the company has rearranged its management team with the appointment of Marie LeBlanc as the new CEO.
LeBlanc joined Victoria Beckham in May 2018 as product director and last May she was promoted to brand and manager director, a newly created position.
Paolo Riva announced his departure from the company last July, after just ten months in office. Then, Ralph Toledano, president of the firm, assumed the role on an interim basis.
In 2017, Victoria Beckham reported sales for 42.5 million pounds (51.7 million dollars), up 17%. However, Victoria Beckham’s operating losses stood at 10.2 million pounds (12.3 million dollars), compared to the red numbers of 8.2 million (9.9 million euros) recorded a year ago.
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