Teri Ellington finds her true north as she stamps on agoraphobia
Teri Ellington, a young British watch designer who overcame agoraphobia, depression, and anxiety, launched her business in 2017 and went online in 2018, thanks to a push from an angel investor.
Ellington Timepiece on the rise. The British startup designer watch brand was founded by the twenty-three-year-old young entrepreneur Teri Ellington in 2017, who suffered from agoraphobia, depression, and anxiety in her teens. The company which specializes in watch design, is based in Teeside (North East England) and has been experiencing a surging growth in recent years, following the investment from an angel investor three years ago which allowed the brand to grow and blossom. Although it primarily operates as an ecommerce, items can also be bought in store. Products are shipped across the UK, however, the founder is optimistic about further expansions into other markets, as she confirmed to TheMDS.
Ellington suffered from agoraphobia, depression, and anxiety in her teens. However, it’s out of her troubles that the founder unearthed the drive to launch her business and she accomplished this milestone from her sleeping quarters. She named her first collection that that came out in 2018, after her therapy dog, Sheba. Teri Ellington is keen on maintaining her support for Mental Health through her designs and this value remains at the core of the company’s collections. Her 2019 set bears the name Amare, which translates to love in Latin.
Part of the 300 pieces of the first collection showcased at House of Fraser sold out in a week
The company’s target audience is rather inclusive, as Ellington Timepiece aims to appeal to customers ranging from 18 years old and above, however, the average customers are primarily aged 25 or fit in 45-60 tranche in both genders. “. We also plan to expand into limited-edition handbags, shoes, clothing, and jewelry,” announced the Ellington.
The first collection amounted to 300 watch pieces; the company operates online but its products can also be purchased at Hillier Jewelers, the first brands to have taken interest in Ellington’s products. The first collection was also showcased in House of Fraser, Middlesbrough, where the collection sold a weeks’ time.
The ambitious entrepreneur, who received an investment three years ago
from an angel investor, has built on this capital to grow her brand. Although
the percentages shared among the stakeholders weren’t disclosed, Ellington confirmed that she still owns the majority stake in Ellington Timepiece.
Regarding the production process of the watches, the founder shares, “our watches are professionally made and assembled with Japanese quartz movement.” She goes onto explain that she currently sources from a factory in Hong Kong, one that equally manufactures
watches for major brands. Additionally, the latest watch straps used on the pieces derive from Switzerland.
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