Sephora: set to open thirty stores per year in China
Cosmetics’ company, property of LVMH, will reinforce its presence in the Asian market with its landing in South Korea, Hong Kong and New Zealand.
Sephora seduces the Asian market. Cosmetics’ company, property of the French giant LVMH, has put Asia in his spotlight, where it has planned to disembark this year in South Korea, Hong Kong and New Zealand, as well as opening thirty stores per year.
In the recent years, the company has expanded its presence in the country with the opening of establishments in the markets of Singapur, Malasia, Tailand, Philippines, Indonesia, India and Australia, according to WWD.
Perfumery and cosmetics division of LVMH, which embraces Sephora’s operations, closed the 2018 exercise with a growth of 10%, up to 6.092 million euros.
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