Mango opens in Los Angeles and sets off to Latin America with franchises
The Spanish fashion company sets its sight in Chile, where it already gathers a total of 55 points of sale in collaboration with Falabella. The company’s plans for the territory are aimed at its settlement in the country’s main cities.
Mango keeps going forward in the Latin American market. The Spanish fashion company has just opened its first point of sale in Los Angeles whilst it traces its landing in Latin America through the franchise formula. Chile is the country under the group’s spotlight to accelerate Mango’s growth around the territory.
“For the next year 2019, Latin America will be one of our main focus for growth through franchises”, explained Nuria Font, chief manager of the group’s expansion through franchises, to Pulso. The executive claimed that they are actively looking for new facilities in Chile, where they already have a strong presence.
The chain, which landed in the Chilean market two years ago, has 55 points of sale around the country in collaboration with Falabella. “For the next few years, we want to reach all the main cities outside the capital”, pointed out Font. On the other hand, the executive trusts in the group’s Chilean partner to continue to spread in other countries around the region such as Perú, Colombia or Argentina.
Mango will go hand in hand with Falabella to enter other Latin American markets such as Perú, Colombia or Argentina
Font has set off to Latin America right after assuming her position as leader of the expansion through franchises. The executive substituted Tony Batlló in the role last September. With Font, Mango has continued to bet on its retail expansion and, specifically, on this formula over which part of its network is heavily leaned on: out of the 2,190 stores it had by the end of 2017, 55% of them were in a franchise regime.
Throughout last year, the company opened up twenty new macro-stores, reaching a total of 221 stores of these characteristics. Among the new benchmark facilities of the group are the ones released in New York, in Madrid’s street Serrano and in Lisbon.
All in all, this retail expansion was not enough to bounce the chain’s sales back, which ended 2017 with a drop of 2.9% of its turnover, scoring 2.19 billion euros. The group did manage to reduce its red numbers, which went from 61 million euros in 2016 to 33 million euros last year.
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