Mango accelerates in the United States: prepares its entrance in Macy's
The Spanish company will sell in the country through the online platform of the US group and will open three corners at Macy's centers in New York.
Mango continues to grow in the United States. The Spanish fashion distribution company has signed an agreement with the giant department store Macy's to gain ground in the country, as anticipated by In this way, Mango will distribute its woman line through Macy's online platform from August 12.
In addition, the agreement also includes the opening of three corners at the Macy's centers in Staten Island, Roosevelt Field and Herald Square, all of them in New York.
"This is a great agreement for Mango, as it allows us to continue increasing our presence in a strategic market such as the United States, through one of the most important platforms in the country," stated Mango’s vicepresident, Daniel López.
Mango will have three corners at some of Macy's centers in New York
Mango also operates in the United States through its own website, Lord & Taylor's online platform and with a flagship in Soho. The company also manages its online distribution with a logistics warehouse in New Jersey. The company billed 2,233 million euros in the 2018 fiscal exercise, 1.8% more than the previous year.
20% of company’s total billing corresponded to online sales. Mango achieved that quota initially set for 2020 two years ahead of schedule. The company plans to raise that percentage to 25% in 2019 and 30% in 2020.
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