L’Oréal names Cheryl Vitali as president of American luxury brands
The French giant in beauty and cosmetics has appointed Cheryl Vitali as the global president of L’Oréal’s portfolio of American luxury brands such as Urban Decay and IT Cosmetics, among others.
L’Oréal appoints a new global president. The French giant has promoted Cheryl Vitali, as the global president of Kiehl’s. Vitali is to take the global reins of the company’s portfolio of American luxury brands, a newly created position.
The executive, with more than ten years of experience within the L’Oréal team, will become the global president of Urban Decay, IT Cosmetics, Clarisonic and Kiehl’s brands. Since joining the company in 2003, Vitali has worked in the marketing sector for Lancôme, Maybelline New York and Garnier brands.
Leonardo Chavez will succeed Vitali in her position as the new global president of Kiehl’s. Chavez has been with L’Oréal for more than twenty years, where he has taken important roles in the marketing area of Maybelline New York and Lancôme.
L’Oréal ended 2018 with profits reaching up to 3.895,4 million euros (4.3 billion dollars), 8.8% more than the previous year. The group’s revenue, on the other hand, grew by 7.1%, to 26.937,4 million de euros (30 billion dollars).
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