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The global fashion business journal

Feb 6, 202510:10am

Isabel Marant opens first menswear store in Paris

The French company launched its first menswear collection in October 2017 in collaboration with the designer Barnabé Hardy, former Carven and Balenciaga.

Oct 7, 2019 — 4:13pm

Isabel Marant opens first menswear store in Paris



Isabel Marant takes its menswear to the street. The French company has chosen Paris to open its first store specialized only in its men’s collection line.


The company has opened its store at rue de Turenne 111, in the Parisian district of Le Marais, according to Fashion Network. The new point of sale has an area of ​​fifty square meters.


The company began its diversification in 2017 with the launch of its first menswear collection, designed by Barnabé Hardy, who has worked before in companies like Balenciaga or Carven.


Founded in 1994, Isabel Marant has a network of forty stores worldwide. The company, which plans to strengthen its presence in Florence, Moscow and Shenzhen in the coming months, is owned by the French investment fund Montefiore since 2016, bought 51% of the group.

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