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The global fashion business journal

Feb 22, 20258:32am

Hunter gains 5.2 million in 2018

Footwear company increased a 9% its sales last year, up to 128.6 million euros, while the adjusted gross profit was of 11.9 million euros.

Jun 3, 2019 — 3:00pm

Hunter gains 5,2 million in 2018


Hunter goes back to black numbers. Footwear British company registered a net benefit of 5.2 million pounds (5.8 million euros), while in 2017, the red numbers were of 6.5 million euros (7.3 million pounds). The benefit after taxes was boosted by the reduction of administrative costs.


The company reported a adjusted gross benefit of 10.6 million euros in the 2018 fiscal exercise (closed on 29 December), a 54% more than in previous year. The gross benefit was of 7 million pounds (7.9 million euros), while in the previous exercise it reached a losses of 4.9 million pounds (5.5 million euros), according to the United Kingdom Business Register, Companies House.


For its part, sales in 2018 were of 113.8 million pounds (128.6 million euros), which is a 9% more than in the previous exercise. The segment of bags or clothing items, which increased a 50% its sales, helped to increment the sales in 2018.


By geographical divisions, Hunter registered an increase of sales in its main market, United States, with a 13%, the same amount registered in Asia-Pacific region. In Japan, sales grew a 25% in the local currency. In the rest of the world, incomes boosted a 142%.


The general director of the company, Vincent Wauters, assured that the group is expecting to grow more in this exercise establishing collaborations with brands like Stella McCartney and Peppa Pig.

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