Hermès to expand French Factory and add employees
Luxury French company is planning to extend the capacity of its French factory located in Pierre Bénite with the aim of satisfying the demand of Asian market.
Hermès reinforces its production. Luxury French company has explained that is planning to expand its facilities and the number of employees in its factory of Pierre Bénite, located in Lyon’s region, dedicated to clothing items production.
The group is planning to extend the production level up to three buildings and hire 120 new employees that will join the 460 workers that are already operating in the factory. The aim of the group’s factory expansion is responding the Asian consumers demand.
The company closed the last exercise with a volume of business of 5,966.1 million euros, a 7.5% more than 2017. Hermès’ benefit, for its part, raised a 15%, until 1,405 million euros.
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