Google peaks into ecommerce with new direct checkout service
The American platform is still just a “facilitator” but is peaking to the ecommerce world lead by giants like Amazon and Alibaba.
Search, like, shop; Google’s new service. The American giant new service provides the users of the search engine to buy thousands of produces directly from the platform, instead of being redirected to web of the retailer.
Google considers itself a “facilitator” of the service because orders will be fulfilled by third parties, as well as returns, refunds and customer services. The group is offering a 20% discount with a shopping code for the louche of the checkout service.
This move comes closer to the strategy led by groups like Amazon and Alibaba, where the entire chain is fullfeed by the company. Google stated that “many people already use Google to get ideas and look for products to buy every day” the company also added, “our goal is to make shopping easier for them and anyone else who comes to Google.”
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