Douglas sales increase by 6% in 2019 boosted by online
The German cosmetics company had a revenue of 3.5 billion euros (3.9 billion dollars) in its fiscal year 2019. Online sales reached 585 million euros (652 million dollars), up 38.2%.
Douglas ends its fiscal year on the rise. The German cosmetics company has increased its sales by 6%, to 3.5 billion euros (3.9 billion dollars) in its fiscal year 2019. Online sales reached 585 million euros (652 million dollars), up 38.2% year-on-year, when it reached 423 million euros (471.5 million dollars).
The company’s ebidta increased by 40.1 percent to 283 million euros, with a simultaneously positive annual net profit. Douglas has noted that it has grown in all regions. By markets, Germany is the country where sales have increased the most, with an increase of 11.4%, to 1.3 million euros (1.5 billion dollars). France, meanwhile, had sales for 767 million euros, up 1.1%.
Douglas’ reached sales for 585 million euros through its online channel
By regions, Southwestern Europe is the second largest market for the company with sales that slightly exceeded one million euros. However, it was Eastern Europe where there has been greater growth with an increase of 10.4%, up to 346 million euros.
Douglas has a store network of more than 2,400 stores in 26 countries. The group offers around 55,000 products from more than 750 brands. The German company has opted for 2019 to strengthen its online channel. In July, it acquired 51% stake of the ecommerce Niche Beauty, specialized in online distribution of premium cosmetic products.
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