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The global fashion business journal

Feb 5, 20257:39am

Decathlon reinforces its logistic power in Colombia with a new warehouse

The French sportswear retailer set in motion a new logistic center in Bogota last Friday. 

Mar 2, 2020 — 6:03pm

Decathlon reinforces its logistic power in Colombia with a new warehouse



Decathlon reinforces its operations in Latin America. The French giant of the distribution of fashion and sporting goods has strengthened its logistic footprint in Colombia with the launch of a new warehouse in the country.


Decathlon opened the doors of its first Regional Logistics Center (CAR) last Friday, located 8km from the Colombian capital. The new space has 10,000 square meters of surface.


With the new surface, the company plans to improve the efficiency and competitiveness of its product offerings, in addition to reducing operating costs. CAR has a high level of security within its infrastructure, to ensure the stock of the brand and its workforce, which is 100% Colombian.


Within the new center, more than 4,000 sports models of the brand will be distributed to all stores in the country, in addition to the operations of its ecommerce, along with the receipt and delivery of orders.





The French group landed in Colombia in 2017 and currently has stores in cities such as Bogotá, Barranquilla, Envigado and Cali. Decathlon’s presence in Colombia includes its online sales channel, which it launched three years ago. 


Among the company’s projects for 2020, is the opening of the second store in Medellín, located in the Arkadia shopping center and which will have 3,000 square meters of surface, in addition to another new store of 3,000 square meters of surface in Chia, a city that lays 40 minutes from Bogotá.

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