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The global fashion business journal

Feb 28, 202512:08am

Amazon seeks to hire 100,000 people in the U.S. to keep up with high demands

The company will allocate 350 million dollars to raise the salary of its employees to boost hiring in order to help meet coronavirus-related orders 

Mar 18, 2020 — 5:05pm

Amazon seeks to hire 100,000 people in the U.S. to keep up with high demands



Amazon increases its workforce. The American ecommerce giant has announced that it is seeking to hire 100,000 people in the United States to strengthen its operations and cope with the increase in demands on its platform due to the coronavirus crisis.  


The company will also allocate 350 million dollars to raise salaries to boost hiring. “We are opening 100,000 new full and part-time positions across the U.S. in our fulfillment centers and delivery network to meet the surge in demand from people relying on Amazon’s service during this stressful time, particularly those most vulnerable to being out in public,” the company said in a statement.  


In the last hours, clients have finished the stock of basic cleaning products but also foods such as pasta. Amazon is the second largest American company by its number of employees, with a workforce of 800,000 people worldwide. 

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